What should I bring?
Wear comfortable clothes, best to avoid jeans or skirts. If you have a yoga mat, do bring it along. And bring an open heart!
Special tips for Mums & Small Ones Yoga –
It’s easiest for the whole class if toddlers and children are fed a low sugar snack before class. Please try not to give snacks during class as this can mean all children want one. A toilet stop before class is also a great idea although feel that you can attend to your child as needs be. Please turn your phone to silent and make sure it is out of sight – it helps if children are not distracted by electronic equipment.
What if my baby/ child is asleep?
Babies often may be asleep for part, or sometimes all of the class. Take this as a chance to nurture yourself.
What if I have never done yoga before?
This is a great time to start. Whether it be during pregnancy or with your baby/kids, or in a community class – it’s never too late! Take it easy, rest when you need to and listen to your body.
Can I breast feed during the classes?
Of course! As often or as little as you need. The Mama & Baby classes are a chance to nurture you and your baby while the small folk classes are there to support the needs of parents & children no matter the age.